The value of PGDM in today's scenario

The one question that we get asked a lot is whether one should pursue a PGDM programme in these challenging times. If we say yes, the questions increase in intensity as well as in number. This is because there are many students who had planned a PGDM programme, but as is evident, things took a turn. Everything changed. Now, potential students are worried and eager to know what their next step should be. As a premier educational institute offering management education, IMI-Kolkata has a reputation like no other. So, answering some burning questions, this piece will make 'you', the student, more confident while thinking of a PGDM.

Why is PGDM more valuable in today's scenario? 

1) Think of the future - This is often what you hear from your teachers, seniors, and elders at home. But how exactly does thinking about the future works in a situation where everything is uncertain. Well, think of another crisis. Then think of what followed it. After a crisis, there is an economic boom. And in the times of severe crisis some curious minds come up with exceptionally brilliant ideas, leading to birth of some of the world's greatest corporations. For Example, Apple, Disney, General Motors, etc. A crisis is when you build yourself up for the upcoming demand in the job market. Investing in a PGDM programme will increase your employability as it's completely an industry-oriented course.

2) Having an edge - While your peers might be stressing out and wasting time on the less important stuff, you will be building your career. This lets you be in an advantageous position. With every new term that you learn in your PGDM programme, you are moving ten steps ahead of someone who is just thinking of doing it. 

3) Learning leadership in a sluggish economy - This year, a lot of people have lost their jobs and while we cannot be certain and say that they weren't capable enough or as Darwin would say, weren't fit enough to survive in this situation, we can say that the most valuable employees are still holding their jobs. This is because even when there is a crisis, people still want great leaders who can show the way. Investing in a PGDM programme right now will only help you understand things better. 

4) Honing managerial as well as interpersonal skills - A PGDM programme is everything that a student needs. It helps you prepare for a leadership role and nurtures you with the soft skills that a leading management professional needs. Communication, negotiation, presentation, everything is a part of making you 'ready' for the job opportunities out there.

We conclude by saying that there is no right or wrong time to pursue a PGDM programme. Although, this is a wonderful time to get ahead in the race. IMI-Kolkata offers a PGDM programme that caters to your needs and places you in the right company to kick start your corporate career. So, get exploring!


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